What does inclusion look like at Reculver?
At Reculver C.E. Primary School we welcome everyone into our community. Reculver C.E. Primary School endeavours to make available truly inclusive provision to ensure that all children, including those children identified with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, can enjoy and benefit from a broad and balanced education. We provide all children with access to the National Curriculum at an appropriate level, so that each child may achieve their full potential.
Children and young people are supported to be engaged, feel like they belong and are connected (Definition of Inclusion in the Countywide Approach to Inclusive Education – CATIE, 2023)
Every child at Reculver C.E. Primary School is very much an individual and their needs are assessed as such. We welcome any child, and endeavour to maintain a supportive working relationship with parents.
The member of staff with overall responsibility for pupils with Special Educational Needs is Mrs Fiona Cunningham who has the role of Inclusion Manager. She is a qualified teacher and holds the National Award for SEN Coordination. She also holds the Mandatory M Phil Postgraduate qualification and is a Qualified Teacher of the Vision Impaired (QTVI). She also has the role of leading the Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) for children with Vision Impairment at Reculver. Her email address is: fiona.cunningham@reculver.kent.sch.uk and she is happy to answer any queries you may have about Inclusion in our school.
For more information about the SRPs, please go to the SRP section on this website.
We are proud of our ethos of Inclusion at Reculver. This is shared by all our staff who each feel it important to take responsibility for the inclusion of all our children, whatever their Special Educational Need or Disability.
Speech and Language – The Balanced System - Scheme for Schools Accreditation Project
Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) represent around one third of children and young people with SEN in Primary Schools in England.
The Scheme for schools has been developed in response to demand from schools for a whole systems approach to understanding the school’s role in commissioning and providing support for children and young people with speech, language and communication needs alongside specialist services such as speech and language therapists and specialist teachers.
The scheme for schools is a strategic approach with an overarching set of outcomes, processes and outcome measures across the core five strands of the Balanced System: supporting parents, young people and families; enhancing and adapting the environment; developing the workforce; identifying need; and providing appropriate intervention.
Role and aims of Reculver C.E. Primary School Specialist Resource Provision
Abbreviations used in this document are as follows:
SRP – Specialist Resource Provision
CYP – Child/Children/Young People
EHC – Education, Health and Care
EHCP – Education, Health and Care Plan
VI – Visual Impairment
C+L – Cognition and Learning
OT – Occupational Therapist/Therapy
SALT – Speech and Language Therapist/Therapy
SRPs explained
An SRP provides specialist provision within a mainstream school for pupils who, without an increased level of specialist support would be unlikely to make progress in learning and across the wider curriculum. An SRP is led by a specialist teacher who holds or is working towards a post graduate qualification in the designation of the SRP. Support staff will have enhanced levels of training. CYP in the SRP may have direct access to SALT or occupational therapy OT, if this is part of their EHC plan.
For CYP to be considered for placement in an SRP they must have an EHC Plan and there must be clear evidence (either through an EHC needs assessment or through review of their EHC Plan) that, without a high level of specialist support, they would find it difficult, or be unable, to participate in activities, including learning, alongside their peers, in a mainstream school.
When CYP are placed in a school where they are to receive support from the SRP, the expectation is that they will, in time, receive the majority of their teaching alongside their peers within lessons and that they will participate, wherever possible, in the wider life of the school. Inclusion in the mainstream school will range from 0% (for instance, on admission) to up to 80% (with support) for CYP across the SRP, with the percentage of inclusion being specific to the needs of the individual CYP.
All CYP in the SRP will have an individualised programme based upon their needs and learning profile (strengths, interests and difficulties.)
CYP with SEND requiring support through placement within an SRP
Evidence of CYP requiring support from an SRP will be identified through the EHC needs assessment process supported by the SRP Panel, or during the Annual Review process for CYP with an existing EHCP.
CYP who are likely to require SRP support to successfully access a mainstream school may be presenting with one, or some, of the following indicators:
- making little, no or retrograde progress in either learning and/or social and emotional development, despite the current school making best endeavours to support their needs
- a history of not accessing mainstream activities and lessons and/or not accessing successful relationships with their peers due to high levels of anxiety and presenting behaviours
- refusing to attend school for a prolonged period or indications that this would be the case, without prolonged and intensive support from school and parents/carers
- a deterioration in mental health and/or challenging behaviour due to anxiety and frustration relating to their SEND in a mainstream school
In addition to these indicators, each SRP may have their own specific entry criteria.
Specific Entry Criteria for Reculver SRP
Reculver SRP has fifteen commissioned places for CYP with VI and or CYP with C+L difficulties.
Usually only two CYP in each specialist area of need (two VI plus two C+L) can be admitted in the SRP, per academic year, due to physical space constraints in classrooms, to enable the CYP to work with their mainstream peers. This stipulation is made to ensure effective inclusion and learning opportunities for all CYP.
All places in the Reculver SRP are commissioned by Kent Local Authority who consult with the Head Teacher and governing body following deliberation of the SRP Panel. Reports and any other available information, will be scrutinised by the panel members who will carefully consider the needs of the individual CYP, together with those of other CYP already placed in the SRP and the wider school.
Designated staff from Reculver School will support the decision making progress by visiting the CYP to observe them in their current setting/school and liaising with staff to gain further insight into the CYP’s needs.
Transitions to the SRP will be carefully planned and supported to enable success.
Cognition & Learning SRP at Reculver C.E. Primary School
For Reculver’s C+L SRP places, no specific diagnosis is required.
However, the CYP must have an EHCP stating that one of their main barriers to learning is in the dimension of Cognition and Learning. For instance, CYP may have Global Developmental Delay, a Specific Learning Difficulty (e.g. Dyslexia or Dyscalculia) or Severe Learning Difficulty.
Alternatively, CYP may have a main area of need in another dimension that is significantly impacting on their Cognition and Learning eg. ASD or SLCN. In these cases, evidence through attainment data that the CYP is at least one year behind Age Related Expectations, would be required.
VI SRP at Reculver C.E. Primary School
Reculver’s VI SRP places are for CYP who require a level of specialist support including braille teaching and/or adaptation of learning materials. The CYP must have a diagnosis of Sight Impairment (SI) or Severe Sight Impairment (SSI)
Expectations for CYP in Reculver SRP
CYP in the SRP will be expected to access a high level of mainstream inclusion (up to 80% supported) in order to experience a variety of learning and social opportunities, and to generalise their Iearning and self-help strategies.
There is also an expectation that CYP will work towards spending increased time unsupported in their learning, to further their independence.
CYP will spend time out of the mainstream classroom working with specialists such as OT, SALT, C+L Specialist Teacher and having interventions such as life skills work, social skills and curriculum enrichment trips / activities, appropriate to their needs. This amount of time may vary and is dependent on the level of inclusion the CYP has in the mainstream classroom.
Exit Criteria
Each CYP's progress is continually monitored through the school’s processes of assess, plan, do and review, by teaching staff and the appropriate Specialist Teacher in collaboration with other professionals, where appropriate.
lf it becomes apparent through this monitoring that the CYP’s needs cannot be met in the SRP, despite best endeavours, alternative provision will need to be considered. For instance, there may be significant changes to the CYP’s learning profile.
Similarly, through this monitoring, transitions from the SRPs to the mainstream school will be considered at the point where a CYP has made progress and no longer needs the provision.
Exit from the SRP will normally be considered at the formal statutory Annual Review.
When a CYP is ready to leave the SRP, effective transition will be planned and supported to enable success.
SEN Policy