Vision and Values
Our School Vision
Our values, interwoven through all aspects of school life, spring from a faith in Jesus, the person and His stories. Following His example, everyone is loved and encouraged as an individual in an inclusive, stimulating environment, empowering us all to become compassionate citizens and resilient lifelong learners who reach their potential.
The story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ provides us with the basis of our school’s Christian values. The teaching of Jesus shows the whole Reculver community how we can live out our school Bible verse, our vision and our values in all that we do each day in our work and our play. Jesus teaches all of us in this story to ‘Love our Neighbour as we would ourselves’ (Luke 10:20-29) which is the message of our school Bible Verse and is woven through our school values.
Our core Christian values of compassion, forgiveness, perseverance, hope and love are at the heart of all that we do.
We show love and compassion for others by truly helping them, and not merely talking about it.
1 John 3:18
School Values
Chosen by our school community, the Christian values of compassion, forgiveness, perseverance, hope and love are all to be found in the story of a Samaritan who went the extra mile in order to help a man in great need. Our school Bible verse teaches us to show love and compassion for others by truly helping them, and not merely talking about it, which is how the Samaritan behaved and how we at Reculver strive to behave in our work and play each day – we do not simply talk about it, we take actions to make things better for others.