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Reculver CofE Primary School



Governing bodies are responsible for the strategic management of a school and will make decisions about a wide range of issues.


The core responsibilities involved are:

  • Ensuring accountability
  • Acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the Head Teacher
  • Monitoring and evaluating the school’s progress
  • Budgetary allocation and control
  • Planning for the long term future of the school
  • Setting the school’s aims and values
  • Appointing senior members of staff including the Head Teacher
  • Ensure the Christian ethos of the school is maintained and developed.

  • Ensure there is daily Collective Worship and weekly teaching of Religious Education.


The role of the Governors is to ensure that all the statutory duties of governance in the school are carried out.

In addition they are charged to ensure that the school carries out its School Improvement Plan and becomes an Outstanding school at it's next OFSTED Inspection. We follow a committee  model of governance, with  governors also allocated to monitor specific key responsibility areas within the school, as identified on the School Improvement Plan. We have 3 full governing body meetings each year as well as 3 committee meetings each for the Standards and Finance committees. Minutes from these meetings are held by the school and the Multi Academy Trust and are available upon request.

The Governors work with the Diocese as part of the Multi Academy Trust.

The Chair of the Governors is more than happy to answer any questions on governance and can be contacted through the school or on the following email address: governor AT reculver.kent.sch.uk

Note: Please replace AT with @ in the above email address (this is to prevent spam).


The Governors Roles and Responsibilities



(All governors have a shared responsibility for:

Risk and Church Distinctiveness)

Julie Lowe

Head of Governance of Aquila Trust

Rachel Carnac

Chair of Governors

Finance Committee Chair

Church Distinctiveness

Lower Key Stage 2

Modern Foreign Languages



Wrap Around Care

Laura Bullen

Vice Chair

Chair of Standards Committee

Church Distinctiveness

Early Years Foundation Stage



Student Council


Standards committee


Church Distinctiveness

Key Stage 1

Pupil Premium



Chair of Finance Committee



Church Distinctiveness



Standards Committee

Upper Key Stage 2

Website Compliance


Church Distinctiveness


Claire Harrap- Stanley

Standards Committee

Child behaviour/wellbeing

Personal Social Health and Economic

Special Educational Needs Disabilities

Church Distinctiveness


Susan Martin

Standards Committee


Parental Links

Religious Education

Staff Links

Staff/Parent Community Link/Wellbeing

Church Distinctiveness


Celina Todd

Finance Committee

Health and Safety

PE Sports Premium

Church Distinctiveness


Joanne Tames

Standards Committee


Gender Gap


Training and Development

Church Distinctiveness


Mick Ware

Finance Committee


Design Technology

Church Distinctiveness



Pen Portraits 

Rachel Carnac

I moved to Herne Bay nearly four years ago from London and have been involved in the local community ever since. I established and have run a small business for 19 years developing and organising international conferences for the global metals industry, particularly specialising in the green technology sector, for instance rare earth magnets in wind turbine blades, and lithium in batteries. I am a journalist by training and am lucky enough to have travelled around the world for my job. In 2019, I was elected a district councillor for Reculver ward, and was elected Deputy Leader of the council in September 2020. I benefited from a very good and broad education, and am passionate about ensuring our young people are given as many opportunities as possible too. I have a love of language, words and music.


Laura Bullen

I have lived in Herne Bay since the age of 5. I qualified as a primary school teacher in 2007 and have worked in 3 primary schools in Kent and Medway in that time. I am passionate about education, particularly interested in children’s early literacy skills and ensuring all children leave school as confident and competent readers. I am currently on a career break from the classroom, but utilise my teaching knowledge to create teaching resources for early years teachers!

I became a governor at Reculver Primary School in 2018 when my eldest child joined the school in Reception. I am looking forward to using my experience to support the school to continue on their exciting journey and ensuring that our children are given the best opportunities to fulfil their potential.​




Claire Harrap-Stanley

I have a wide experience of various educational provisions over 20 years, both as a school leader and teacher, across SEND and mainstream establishments from EYFS to KS5.  I currently hold the position of Deputy Headteacher in an SEMH all through special school,  I am therefore able to contribute to professional discussions from a grounded and well-informed position.  I am passionate about education and ensuring that all children have access to a high quality educational offer that meets their individual needs and facilitates access to a meaningful and well-rounded adult life.  

Both of my children have attended and loved Reculver School, my youngest is currently in YR5 and enjoying every minute !  We have also been active members of the St Bart’s church congregation for the past 14 years,  I am excited at both being a part of Reculver School’s journey and also at the prospect of contributing further to the local community.


Celina Todd

Information pending.








Mark Lewis














Rev. Sue Martin

Hi everyone you all will know me as Rev Sue the local Vicar and I have been a Governor at Reculver School for 3 years now. Before getting ordained in 2010 I have worked as a Youth and Children’s Worker for Churches and also as a Learning Mentor for a Primary School in Kent. I am married to Simon and we have a son Samuel who is at present a pupil at the school. My role means I am in school quite a lot taking assemblies, for meetings and helping with RE subjects. As a Governor my special roles are Church Distinctive Governor and Parent Link Governor.I am delighted to be a Governor at Reculver to work with an amazing staff team and with the lovely children and to serve the Reculver Family.


Joanne Tames

I originated from Kent and have lived in the Herne Bay area for the last 18 years. All three of my children have benefitted from a great education at Reculver Primary School, two have now left to attend local secondary schools and the youngest is in year 5.

I began my working career as a secondary maths teacher, before taking a break to have my family. When returning to work, I was keen to be involved in the education of local young people and have been working at Reculver School ever since. Currently I am working in year 6 as a class teaching assistant in the mornings and running maths intervention sessions in the afternoons.

As a member of staff and a parent I was already heavily involved with the school so choosing to become a governor here seemed like a natural choice. Through my role as a governor, I am looking forward to contributing to the continued development of the school and helping to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to reach their full potential.


Mick Ware

 I first started at Reculver as a volunteer in 2004 while my children went to the nursery on the school premises. I then progressed becoming a teaching assistant and then  providing PE cover while the teachers had this new time allocated called PPA. I also a spell for about 18 months being the "lollipop man"  so I have seen the school operate from many angles. I  have been  the site manager  since 2017 which has again allowed me another view of the school. As a governor I feel that I can offer a voice and support for  the staff and ensure that the children continue to have the high quality education that Reculver School provides.

 In my spare time I enjoy playing in the local band "The Lost Weekend" which has now been going for 30 years. How time flies!





Stella Collins

As the Headteacher of Reculver Church of England Primary school, I also sit on the governing body. Part of my role as Headteacher is to work closely with the governors. I report important updates about attainment and progress of the pupils at Reculver and make sure that I inform them of the wonderful things we do in school, as well as let them know about things we need to do to improve further. I plan for the governors to come into school to visit the children and carry out their monitoring work.  I am proud to work with the governing body to make our school as special as it is.








  1.  Aquila Trustees
  2. Governor Attendance

  3. Governor Membership