Trips, Enrichments and Clubs
To bring learning to life at Reculver we offer a rich menu of enrichments across the curriculum. Each year group plans at least one educational visit per year which provides pupils with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of a topic and accumulate cultural capital. Some settings are revisited on trips as the children progress through the school, so that previous learning can be consolidated and built on. Our planned Trips and Enrichments for 2023-2024 include:
Forest School - weekly sessions in our on-site Forest School
Outdoor Autumn Day – an exploration on-site of all things autumnal to enrich future learning experiences
A Fairy Tale Experience – immersion in a world of make-believe!
People who Help Us – Visitors from the fire and ambulance services and the police
St Mary’s Church – Christmas prayer activities with Rev. Sue
Investigation of local houses and home – Art and Geography trip
Animal Handling at Wingham Wildlife Park–Hands-on opportunity to handle small animals and learn more about their homes and environments.
Christmas Panto Trip
Seaside Safari
RNLI Beach Safety talk
Year 1
Autumn Nature Walk - Fairy Glen
St Mary’s Church – Christmas prayer activities with Rev. Sue
Synagogue visit- Ramsgate
Space Dress-Up Day – activities and learning all about Space!
Victorian School Day – dress up and carousel of activities
Easter RE Learning Showcase – You will be invited to enjoy your child’s recent learning
Nature Ramble – a walk to Reculver Towers
Year 2
Manor House Forest School – outdoor activity day
Reculver Towers – Towers, Turrets and Tunnels Topic enrichment
Pirate Day – Pirate-themed activities linked to Y2’s Geography learning
Great fire of London Day – dress up and activities
Beach Combers Beach Trip – Exploring rock pools
St Mary’s Church – Christmas prayer activities with Rev. Sue
Easter Holy Week Walk
Traffic Survey – local walk and maths enrichment
Year 3
Chef’s Dress Up Day – linked to Y3’s learning about food and nutrition
Roman Museum and The Beaney Art Gallery - Canterbury
Stone Age Workshop – Dress up and activity day
St Mary’s Church – Christmas prayer activities with Rev. Sue
Roman Activity Day – Dress up and activity day
Wildwood Outreach Visit – experts from the wildlife park will bring artefacts in for the pupils to handle including bones, furs, skulls and feathers
Sikh Visitor – to bring our R.E. learning to life
Year 4
Anglo Saxon and Viking Workshop – Dress up and activity day
St Mary’s Church – Christmas prayer activities with Rev. Sue
Sublime Science Workshop – Activities, experiments and investigations
Beach trip – Nature hike
Anglo-Saxon and Viking Day – an enriching day in school handling ancient artefacts, Viking and Anglo-Saxon crafts and activities
Visiting artist – sketching and drawing marine life and shells with local artist
Year 5
WW1 Trenches Visit – Hawthorne in Elham, to bring our History learning to life
Dreamland Margate – to investigate leavers and pullies as part of our Science learning
Ancient Egypt Day – activities and enrichments to bring our Egyptian topic to life
Local Geography Field trip – to practise mapping skills
Thanet Earth Enrichment Day - Pupils will work with Scientists from Thanet Earth to better understand local food production and distribution
Year 6
Darwin 200 Project – pupils will engage in activities to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Darwin’s voyage to the Galapagos Islands on H.M.S. Beagle
Restart a Heart – pupils will learn basic first aid and CPR with visitors from the Kent Fire and Rescue Service
Houses of Parliament – Champions of Change topic enrichment
Downes House – Evolution topic trip – Home of Charles Darwin
Residential and Non-Residential activities week – Pupils will enjoy their end of KS2 off-site residential or will participate in exciting bush-craft and survival skills at home with our Forest School leader.
Homefront Bus – WW2 Topic enrichment
Eid Festival – Islamic food tasting day – celebrating the end of Ramadam
Whole School activities and enrichments:
In addition, we also offer a range of Whole School activities and enrichments. We hold an Annual Book Week, which involves a range of activities to bring reading to life including dressing up as book characters, author visits, buddy reading between classes and The Travelling Book Fair. Other regular events on our calendar include:
World Faith Day – where we consider what makes us human and unites us as well as what makes our faiths and cultures unique.
Odd Socks Day – where we take time to celebrate diversity and remind ourselves that our differences make us unique and wonderful
Anti-Bullying Week – we learn to stand together against bullying and discuss strategies and techniques which can help avoid being the target of bullying, how to help a friend in need and how to speak up if there is a problem.
Black History Month – where we celebrate the lives, work and influence of significant black figures.
World Sight Day – where pupils reflect on the sense of sight and what life is like for those with partial sight or blindness
Easter Bonnets and Easter Egg Decorating – we celebrate Easter with a colourful bonnets parade in KS1 and with an egg decorating competition in KS2
Reverse Advent Calendar – rather than enjoying a daily treat for ourselves, we bring the gift of essential food and resources for the local food bank
Harvest Festival – we celebrate harvest and bring in food items to share with those in the community who are hungry
Young Voices – our choir make an annual trip to the O2 arena in London to participate in a national singing event with thousands of other children.
World Music Day
Sports Week
Throughout recent years we have also responded to events in the wider world with celebrations for the Jubilee and Royal Weddings; we have held charity events in response to disasters and disruptions including the war in Ukraine and subject leaders organise events which have recently included Women in Science, Women in History, Poetry Day as well as English enrichments including author visits and writing workshops.
Our enthusiastic staff also offer a range of after-school clubs that create additional opportunities for our pupils to pursue their own interests and learn new skills. These clubs include a wide range of sports activities, Nature Club, Writing Club, Choir and Cookery Club.
Our school also enjoys the support and expertise of a number of Sports Coaches who facilitate a wide range of inter-school sports events throughout the year. In recent years these have included cross country, athletics, cricket, dance, football (girls and boys teams), netball and speed-stacking.