Access to specialist and in house assessments
At Reculver C.E. Primary School we feel that having as much information as possible about a child is key when deciding on the most appropriate support for them. We regularly liaise with a range of external agencies and we value the guidance they give.
We seek consent before referring a child to an outside agency for advice on their additional needs. We encourage parents to allow agencies to share information with a key member of staff at school.
Our experienced school staff are aided by access to the support offered by many organisations and charities, some of which are mentioned below:
- NHS and Private Occupational therapists
- NHS and Private Speech and Language Therapists
- Physiotherapists from the Children’s Assessment Centre at Kent and Canterbury Hospital
- Consultant Paediatricians from various hospitals
- Specialist Teaching and Learning Service for Cognition and Learning, Social Emotional and Mental Health, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Physical Difficulties etc.
- Educational Psychologists
- NHS Emotional Wellbeing Team
- School Nursing team.
- Children’s and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
- Deaf CAMHS
- Child Counsellors
- Play Therapists
- Early Help Team
- Social Services
- Charitable organisations:
- Royal Society for Blind Children (RSBC)
In addition to the above, the SRP has access to regular and on-site services of a Qualified teacher for Vision Impairment (QTVI) and a Specialist Teacher for pupils with Cognition and Learning needs.
In House assessments
While children are at Reculver C.E. Primary School we may carry out a range of diagnostic and baseline testing at the request of the class teacher, which allows us to identify students who require further intervention for literacy and numeracy or may have some learning needs in these areas. Some of the additional assessments currently carried out by trained staff include:
- Speech Link
- Language Link
- Verbal Reasoning
- Non Verbal Reasoning
- A range of assessments for Literacy Difficulties, including:
- GL Assessment Single Word Spelling test
- GL Assessment Single Word Reading test
- CTOPP Memory sub test
- NFER Nelson Self Esteem
- Lucid Rapid Dyslexia Screener
- A range of assessments for maths difficulties
- Boxall Profile (Nurture Group Network)
If parents or carers are concerned about their child’s educational needs in the first instance concerns should be raised with their child’s teacher. If further guidance is still required, then the school’s Inclusion Manager is happy to help.